Feb 25th-Call to Action on the EDSA Anniversary: Never Again to Dictatorship in the Philippines!


NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION - FEB. 25, 2018EDSA People Power!February 25, 2018 marks the 32nd Anniversary of the EDSA People Power movement and the end of  Ferdinand Marcos’ 21 years as president and dictator. Today, President Rodrigo Duterte has proven himself to be no different from his predecessors and has already exceeded the total number of those killed during his idol Marcos’s term in office.  Duterte’s continued attacks on the people through his bloody drug war, Oplan Kapayapaan, and Martial Law in Mindanao have fueled the fire burning in Filipino people desiring genuine change in the Philippines.  And just as the popular People Power movement took to the streets to remove Marcos and finally end his brutal dictatorship, people are rising up again in the Philippines and abroad against tyranny and violence of the Duterte administration!We are not alone. More and more international attention shines the spotlight on Duterte’s ruthless drug war, including the International Criminal Court (ICC) which recently launched a preliminary inquiry into allegations of crimes against humanity committed by Rodrigo Duterte. Though Duterte’s legal team was quick to dismiss the ICC’s examination as a “waste of time,” the more than 14,000 victims, their families and human rights advocates do not.  Duterte has brazenly encouraged these crimes against humanity and more, such as in the recent killings of human rights advocates, religious leaders, Lumad among many others. Just this week, the Armed Forces of the Philippines illegally arrested and detained Jolita Tolino, a volunteer teacher and four community members in  Montevista town, Compostela Valley province who were conducting a youth anti-drug workshop.Duterte’s maneuvers to impose dictatorship on the Filipino people also extends beyond his deadly crackdown on the streets; he is now seeking to cement his tyrannical rule into the country’s constitution by advancing plans for Charter Change.  Duterte and his followers in Congress are proposing dangerous changes to the Philippine constitution, which would consolidate executive powers, extend terms of elected officials, dissolve congress, exempt lawmakers and administration officials from paying taxes, remove restrictions on 100% foreign ownership of land and strategic enterprises, and water down or entirely delete provisions prohibiting foreign bases, troops, facilities and nuclear weapons in Philippine territory.We call on all Filipinos and friends across the U.S. to join the international day of action on February 25 to not only commemorate the anniversary, but to continue to build the power of the people seeking freedom from tyranny and dictatorship.  We urge you to join MALAYA: U.S. Movement Against Killings and Dictatorship, and for Democracy in the Philippines. WE Demand 

  • Never Again to Dictatorship in the Philippines!
  • Free All Political Prisoners!
  • STOP the Killings!
  • Lift Martial Law in Mindanao NOW!
  • Stand for Democracy and Genuine Sustainable Development!


  • Hashtags:  #StopTheKillingsPH  #DefendDemocracy  #FightTyranny


  • JOIN or START an ACTION in your area!  Please let us know if you are hosting an action & we can update our website with your details! Email MalayaMovement@gmail.com to post your action. Some ideas for actions:


      1. Protest at the Philippine Embassy or your local Philippine Consulate or a community location
      2. Special sermons, prayers of the faithful/general intercessions, and other prayer offerings at church services (note: Feb. 25 is a Sunday)
      3. Banner drops displaying the Day of Action demands or hashtags at prominent locations
      4. Vigil at the Philippine Embassy or your local Philippine Consulate or a community location
      5. No to Cha Cha march and dance flash mob


  • SIGN the PETITION and share it widely!  to garner widespread support and media attention.
  • Produce creative art, posters, infographics, social media memes, songs, and more to inform the public about the human rights situation in the Philippines! Tag @MalayaMovement on Facebook
  • Issue public statements to condemn Duterte’s fascist repression and moves to impose dictatorship including through Charter Change

 Visit our Website & Facebook page and share information and on-the ground news updates on the situation in the Philippines.


Stop the Killings Speaking Tour


MALAYA U.S. Movement Launches to Oppose Duterte's Dictatorship