March for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines

Friends and Allies,We invite you to join us in on the March for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines. This march aims to register our opposition to and rejection of the brutal Duterte administration and our affirmation of human rights and democracy in the Philippines. The march and rally aims to unite everyone to challenge ongoing “War on Drugs” that have already claimed the lives of an estimated 20,000 people, which in reality is a war on the poor; the continuing attacks against human rights defenders, church people, the press, women, indigenous peoples, trade unionists and peasants; Duterte’s outright sell-out of Philippine sovereignty to foreign powers; and his dictatorial ambitions. The march and rally will be happening at the 120th Philippine Independence Day Parade on June 3, 2018, Sunday, at 10:30am in New York City where thousand of people from across the tri-state are expected to attend. This is the most opportune time to show that there is an organized and growing opposition from the overseas Filipino community, as well as from the international community.  

  • What: Rally and March for Democracy in the Philippines
  • When: June 3, 2018 Sunday
  • Where: 38th Street Between Madison Ave and Park Ave.

The theme of the march and rally “March for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines. We will use this action to unite various communities who are concerned about the following, but not limited to:

  • The continuing War on Drugs that have claimed the lives of more than 20,000 people without due process
  • The attacks on democracy and its institutions, including the attacks on judicial independence with the ouster of Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, the attacks on the Commission on Human Rights, and others
  • The attacks on human rights defenders and activists, with the labelling of over 600+ individuals as “terrorists”, including a UN Special Rapporteur, Ms. Vicky Tauli-Corpuz
  • The sellout of Philippine sovereignty, with Duterte silent on both China’s occupation of our territories in the West Philippines Sea and the continuing Balikatan military exercises with the United States
  • The continuing rampant corruption that continues to impoverish our people
  • The dictatorial ambitions of Duterte, by changing the constitution with term extensions, extension and expansion of Martial Law in Mindanao or through a Revolutionary Government”

If you are interested in joining us and mobilizing your members to participate in the June 3rd March for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines, please sign up as an endorsing organization here: signing up we'll follow up with you directly to discuss your organizations participation. In the meantime, here's a Facebook event to join and share with your friends and networks: Join our social media campaign and build visibility for the Malaya Movement and our upcoming march on June 3rd by signing up here: you have questions, ideas or need more information, please contact background information on the Malaya Movement, including the history, principles and full list of demands, checkout: There is much for us to do together as we get ready in the next couple of weeks.  If you or members of your organization would like to support, please email Please follow and share the campaign on Facebook at:Malaya MovementScreen Shot 2018-05-16 at 2.17.28 PM


Resist Duterte’s Dictatorship! Defend Human Rights & Democracy in the Philippines!


Malaya Movement Condemns Duterte’s Drift Towards Dictatorship, Calls for Day of Action for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines