Malaya Movement to Ex-PNP General Bato: “You are not welcome here!”


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Malaya Movement confronted ex-PNP General Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa, implementer of the brutal “War on Drugs”, on his Southern California and Nevada campaign tour for a senatorial bid under the Duterte administration

LOS ANGELES—Last Saturday, December 15, in response to a tip from a community member that Bato and Duterte supporters will be at the Historic Filipinotown, the Malaya Movement, together with members of BAYAN-USA, Samahang Magdalo, and the Filipino American Human Rights Alliance (FAHRA), mobilized close to 30 community members and activists to protest in front of Bahay Kubo Restaurant, where the Bato meet and greet was supposed to take place. There, the community chanted: “Bato, Bato, hindi ka welcome dito!” and “No justice, no peace! Stop the killings in the Philippines!” Immediately after, Duterte’s supporters came out of the venue and started verbally harassing members of the community. Later on, activists discovered that Bato cancelled his scheduled engagement at the Historic Filipinotown in anticipation of the protest. This is a victory for the Filipino community and to the victims of Bato and Duterte’s crimes against the Filipino people.

“Bato Dela Rosa, a 1-star general from Davao and minion of Duterte, is a mass murderer who should be protested wherever he goes. He, under the command responsibility of Rodrigo Duterte, is guilty of the mass murder of more than 20,000 Filipinos, mostly from the urban poor. He must be prosecuted together with his master and be held accountable for their crimes against the Filipino people. His place is in jail, not in the halls of the Philippine Senate.

“We call on the Filipino people, particularly here in the United States, to reject Duterte’s tyranny both in the ballot at the upcoming Philippine elections and in the streets. We must protest Bato and other political candidates and representatives of the Duterte regime wherever they go. We also call on the Filipino people to be vigilant against a no election scenario as the Duterte regime continues to maneuver to establish a full blown dictatorship in the Philippines, either through charter change and federalism scheme or through the imposition of martial law nationwide.

“We must continue to demand the United States Congress that they stop funding Duterte’s tyranny and human rights violations. End the sending of $184.5 million of our tax money to fund a murderous regime. Join the Malaya Movement and fight against Duterte’s dictatorship!”


Malaya Movement 1 Year Anniversary: Moving the People Towards Freedom in the Philippines


Martial Law Must END not Extend!