Malaya Movement Calls for a United People’s SONA! National Day of Action July 22, 2019

The Malaya Movement is calling on all patriotic Filipinos and allies to organize protests everywhere this coming July 22nd, 2019 as a massive show of opposition against the dictator, Rodrigo Duterte and his regime as he deliver his 4th State of the Nation Address (SONA).  

Tama na! Sobra na! People Power na!

National Day of Protest vs Duterte's Dictatorship

This is our call to action! Let us join the rest of the Filipino people in saying enough is enough of the Duterte regime. Let us rally everyone to hold large protests everywhere in the United States, especially in Washington D.C. to show our own United People’s SONA against Duterte’s move towards a full fledged dictatorship. 

The Filipino people have suffered long enough under Duterte’s anti-people agenda, with the majority of the country and even overseas Filipinos being greatly affected by the TRAIN law of increased taxes and prices on basic commodities. The issue of human rights has caused international alarm at the number of extrajudicial killings in the drug war alone reaching to 30,000.  With the recent midterm election results, the majority of the seats in the Senate now belong to politicians in the pocket of Duterte. We can only suspect that Duterte will now press forward with his agenda to change the Philippine constitution and bend it to his advantage, eliminating term limits, opening up the Philippines to further exploitation of the land and resources to foreign corporations, and giving himself dictatorial powers.

Philippine democracy is under attack by the fascist Duterte regime!

Thousands of people have already been killed, and many more will continue to be targeted under the Drug War.

Poverty is at an all time high, forcing 6,500 people to leave the country daily, and remittances mean less with the TRAIN Law.

Philippine sovereignty will be completely lost.

Let us come together as people united against the fascist Duterte regime to organize the largest national mobilization in the United States on July 22nd, 2019. More and more people are choosing to fight against the Duterte regime and its anti-people and anti-national policies and programs. We must show our full force as a united opposition and raise the international attention on the conditions of the Philippines!

PSONA FB event listTaking action on July 22 for the United People’s SONA:

  1. LAUNCH large and widespread protest actions on the day of SONA across the U.S. and rally as many people as you can to Washington D.C. Ensure the unity and mobilization of chapters and affiliated organizations for the July 22 SONA. Launch gatherings or assemblies to call action for the SONA as build up. Check out the Facebook links for the actions listed above:
  2. ENDORSE this National Day of Action! Have your Organization join the list of endorsers- this means your organization will mobilize also in full force and outreach for others to join!  Please fill out this form to begin this process: Be an Endorsing Organization
  3. LAUNCH widespread education and awareness campaign on various national issues. Let us expose the real impacts of Duterte's economic policies on the regular Filipino. Let us expose the connection of Duterte's anti-poor and anti-worker policies such as contractualization, TRAIN law, etc to his repressive measure such as the ongoing Oplan Tokhang and crackdown on human rights defenders, activists, journalists, and others. We must also conduct a widespread education campaign on the dangers of Duterte's push for charter change.
  4. UTILIZE different media and platforms for information and education dissemination. Be prompt in answering emerging issues, especially in the regime's attempts to stop and derail People's actions. Be proactive in exposing and responding to false news and lies of the regime's propagandists.


  • Junk the TRAIN Law! End contractualization! Implement the national minimum wage!
  • Genuine freedom and democracy, not Cha-cha and dictatorship!
  • Stop the Killings in the Philippines now!
  • End martial law in Mindanao and all-out war in the countryside!
  • Fight for Land, work, decent housing and democratic rights!
  • Defend Philippine Sovereignty! 


  • International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines - US
  • Semillas de Centro America
  • San Francisco Permaculture Guild
  • Nikkei Resisters
  • Popular Resistance
  • Indivisible San Francisco
  • Stanford Pilipino American Student Union
  • Northern California Pilipinx American Student Alliance (NCPASA)
  • APIENC (API Equality - Northern Califorina)
  • People Organizing for Philippine Solidarity
  • Stanford Kayumanggi
  • DSA Anti-Imperialism Network
  • Collective Huemanity
  • Socialist Action
  • UNAC-United National Anti-War Coalition, Bay Area

Condemn Duterte’s Betrayal of the Filipino People and Nation


Philippine Midterm Election Results Only Reveals Duterte’s Dirty Hands