Malaya Movement Stands With the Black Community Against Tyranny & State Fascism


In response to the relentless murdering of Black Americans at the hands of police officers or racist vigilantes, and to bring to attention the thousands of cases of murdered Black Americans that have yet to feel the warm light of justice, the Malaya Movement stands firmly in support of the popular uprising raging through cities big and small across the United States and abroad. We stand firmly alongside the Black community against state fascism here in our own neighborhoods.

We are inspired by the determined spirit for justice of all those who took to the streets and highways across America, sounding a collective voice for the rage and fear that millions of Black people experience daily growing up in a nation bolstered by systemic racism, state-sanctioned violence, and anti-poor/anti-working class policies. It is only when the dispossessed and downtrodden rise up, take to the streets, and speak truth and justice with one voice to power that oppressive laws, policies, practices, and/or systems begin to crumble.

We condemn Trump’s reckless public statements that attempt to diminish and/or criminalize the people’s right to fight against tyranny, corruption, and injustice. We also condemn the use of military might to intimidate the people into silence and submission.

Malaya Movement will continue to uphold the people’s democratic right to protest injustice. We stand with the Black community in their demand for the immediate end to the racist targeting, harassment, and murdering of Black people. We call for justice for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and all of our Black brothers, sisters, and trans persons murdered by police officers or racist vigilantes.

We also echo the following demands of the Movement for Black Lives:

Demand divestment from police and investment in communities.
Demand public universities and schools cut ties with the police
Demand economic justice for all
Demand rights for protesters to be respected
Demand community control

Black Lives Matter! Filipinos for Black Lives!
End Police Brutality and the Culture of Impunity!
Uphold Our Democratic Rights to Organize and Protest Against Racism and Oppression!

Learn more and take action


A Grave Concern and Imminent Threat


Philippine Human Rights Act - Press Conference 5/20 (5pm PDT/8pm EDT)