Malaya Movement USA to mobilize to Cancel RIMPAC

Malaya Movement USA members from across the country are mobilizing for the Cancel RIMPAC actions in San Diego from June 29-June 30.

What are the Rim of the Pacific exercises (RIMPAC)?

  • The largest joint war exercises in the world, launched from San Diego and conducted in Hawai’i.

  • Used by the US to strengthen the abilities of 26 of its allies’ militaries to wage war around the world, including Israel.

  • Through weapons testing and war-making, defense contractors and fossil fuel corporations reap hundreds of millions of dollars in profit.

Why are we concerned about RIMPAC?

  • The Philippines participates in RIMPAC. This escalates war between the US and China, with the Philippines in the middle.

  • Far from being independent, the Philippines has practically become one big US military base (9 EDCA sites and host to joint military exercises like Balikatan). The Philippines joins RIMPAC at the US’s bidding.

  • Tax dollars are spent on war and occupation not on housing, food, employment and healthcare for our communities.

    RIMPAC destroys the environment, causes violence against women by military personnel, and advances US proxy wars around the world.

Join us in San Diego for Cancel RIMPAC next weekend!


Defend Philippine sovereignty! Cancel RIMPAC!


Atin ang Pinas! China at US Layas!