The Fight Against Fascist Duterte & Marcos Continues

On Duterte being charged for his deadly War on Drugs, Atom Araullo’s case against red-tagging, and Malaya Movement USA’s role in the anti-fascist fight since 2018

Since its founding in 2018, Malaya Movement USA has called for justice for the victims of former president and dictator Rodrigo Duterte's crimes. After years of sustained effort from people’s organizations, we celebrate the recent developments in holding Duterte and his cronies accountable for their role in the 30,000+ extrajudicial killings in the so-called “War on Drugs” and the fascist political repression under Duterte's counterinsurgency programs. 

We celebrate the decision by the quad committee of the House of Representatives of the Philippines to file charges against Duterte and seven others for their crimes against the Filipino people. This is a step towards accountability that would not have happened without the persistent work of activists and human rights defenders on the ground who have been integral to the investigations. 

In the fight against political repression, we also congratulate Atom Araullo and his mother Carol Araullo in their victory against rabid red-taggers Lorraine Badoy, Jeffrey Celiz and the entire Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI) enterprise. Badoy and company did Duterte’s bidding and will now face repercussions for their actions, which include the red-tagging of individuals and organizations based in the United States. 

While these are substantial moves for justice and accountability, it is not enough, and we must continue to sustain pressure so that all victims of fascism see justice. Genuine accountability is an uphill battle when the rivaling Marcos and Duterte clans still hold office. Their broken tandem is exemplary of the corrupt nature of Philippine politics, and the Filipino people are made to face the consequences of fascist anti-people policies of these dynasties. As the split continues to widen toward the 2025 midterm elections, it is imperative that we grow and strengthen the anti-fascist movement for the long fight ahead. 

For 6 years, we in the Malaya Movement USA have been fighting to defend human rights in the Philippines and resist fascism. We have waged campaigns and carried out political education that continues to reach more and more Filipinos across the United States. Learn about our history and be part of the movement. 


2018:  Launched Malaya Movement USA in response to Duterte’s “War on Drugs”

2019: Held the first National Summit for Human Rights and Democracy in the Philippines with nearly 400 in attendance

2020: Initial chapter building in response to the fascist Anti-Terror Law and the heavily militarized response to the COVID-19 pandemic 

2021: Rep. Susan Wild introduces the Philippine Human Rights Act and the launch of our campaign: Palayain! Free All Prisoners Campaign and Trolls & Tyrants - End the Weaponization of Social Media

2022: Elections campaign that helped to mobilize thousands of Filipinos in the anti-fascist fight against the now-broken Marcos/Duterte UniTeam tandem; participated in actions against Marcos Jr.’s first visit to the US

2023: Held our first in-person National Assembly with over 100 people and united on our comprehensive 8 Point Program; joined actions at APEC where Marcos Jr. took to the international stage to sell away the Philippines

2024: Continued growth of our chapters and the launch of the Workers Rights are Human Rights campaign; participated in Cancel RIMPAC and Resist NATO campaigns to protest attacks against Philippine sovereignty

Take Action!


Panagutin ang rehimeng Marcos-Duterte!Hold the Marcos-Duterte regime accountable!