Marcos Jr.’s Latest Scam: Anti-Fake News Campaign

Malaya Movement USA decries the Marcos Jr. regime's sham anti-fake news campaign. It is laughable and insulting that Marcos Jr, one of the chief benefactors of a coordinated, decades long campaign to revise and rewrite history, would stamp his name on such a campaign.

Marcos Jr.’s disingenuous declaration that “fake news should have no place in modern society” is an affront to all those who have spearheaded the fight for truth in the Philippines, to those whom the Marcoses have targeted and persecuted, and to the lives lost. The fight for the truth that exposes his family’ crimes, of martial law then and de-facto martial law now in the Philippines, and the corruption and plundered wealth that he used to capture the presidency last year. The Marcos Regime’s state sponsored disinformation campaign of red-tagging and murder is responsible for at least five massacres since he assumed power. Most recently, the Armed Forces of the Philippines brutally took the lives of the Fausto family in Negros Oriental, including 2 children.

This disgusting stunt in and of itself is part of his family’s campaign to twist the facts into oblivion, as if the Marcos dynasty didn’t orchestrate the crisis of truth that sabotaged the Philippines’ progress toward genuine democracy. It is imperative that those of us who know and fight for the truth don’t lose this information war. We must continue to expose this new “Anti-Fake News Campaign” merely as a scam that will further perpetuate disinformation in the Philippines, while whitewashing the Marcos political dynasty’s depravity and long list of crimes and human rights violations. The only way that this campaign would carry any weight is if it allows for an independent and impartial body that would investigate and prosecute government entities that spread disinformation and fake news, like National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF- ELCAC).

Since 2021, Malaya Movement USA has waged a campaign against the weaponization of social media and the spread of disinformation by the Duterte and Marcos regimes. It is through our Trolls and Tyrants: End the Weaponization of Social Media campaign that we continuously try to expose the government’s culpability in the spread of dangerous disinformation, and echo the truth essential to a functioning democracy.

We urge Filipinos not to fall for this scheme and call for everyone to loudly reject this fake “anti-fake news” con.

Learn about our Trolls and Tyrants: End the Weaponization of Social Media campaign & join the fight against the Marcos brand of disinformation & fake news:

Become a member of Malaya Movement USA:

No to historical revisionism! Stop the spread of disinformation!

Activism is not a crime! No to red-tagging!


Malaya Movement USA & GABRIELA USA to META & Twitter: Follow Youtube & Google, Shut Down Quiboloy and SMNI Permanently!


Justice for the Fausto Family! Justice for the Himamaylan Massacre!