From Palestine to the Philippines

Malaya Movement USA stands with the people of Palestine who are fighting for liberation and sovereignty amidst fascist oppression, violent zionist settler colonial occupation, and genocide.

As Filipino-Americans who have stood up against killings, brutal displacement, false imprisonment, and torture of everyday people fighting for land and rights by the Philippine government, Malaya Movement USA stands in solidarity with Palestinians who face the US-backed Israeli state’s 75-year long campaign to exterminate Palestinians. We stand in solidarity with those working towards a just and lasting peace in Palestine, which will only be achieved by solving the root cause of violence in the region: colonial occupation.

The events that have unfolded since Oct 7 are a clear expression of the will to fight for and in defense of dignity and human rights from Palestinians who have long suffered under an oppressive occupation. Palestinians and their lands have been subjected to displacement and occupation for 75 years and many of those who have resisted and fought for their right to land and livelihood in their homelands have been imprisoned, silenced, and murdered.

In response to the events on Oct 7, Israel has launched a complete siege of Gaza cutting off the supply of electricity, food, water, and fuel to Palestinians, on top of an already 16 year blockade. We condemn Israel’s indiscriminate military attacks and bombings on the Palestinian people of Gaza that have targeted densely populated residential areas, hospitals, and even U.N. schools and shelters. At least 1,417 people have been killed in Gaza, including 447 children, and more than 6,000 have been wounded. There is no justification for Israel committing genocide. These attacks and collective punishment are war crimes and clear violations of international humanitarian law and must end immediately.

It seems that every day we are hit with another killing, abduction, or imprisonment of Filipinos merely standing up for their rights, which is a brutal reality that is far too familiar to every single Palestinian, down to the smallest child. We therefore must declare our support for Palestinians who have resisted and fought for their right to their homeland and lives, against a state that did not hesitate to kill countless Palestinians, including children, long before October 7.

We are seeing a shocking increase in malicious disinformation meant to dehumanize Palestinians, who have been imprisoned in Gaza for generations, all to justify unmitigated violence by the Israeli state. It is sickening and reminds us of the orchestrated and financed disinformation by the Philippine state to erase history and justify the violations of international humanitarian law committed by Philippine officials and armed forces. We urge Filipinos to be vigilant about the facts and be in solidarity with Palestine.

The Israeli government and weapons manufacturers are complicit in the rise of fascist dictatorship in the Philippines, being suppliers of weaponry, training, and intelligence to the oppressive Duterte and Marcos regimes. The Israeli government is culpable in the murder and disappearance of countless human rights defenders and civilians, not just in Palestine but the Philippines. Both the Israeli Defense Forces and Armed Forces of the Philippines are perpetrators of indiscriminate attacks on civilians from aerial bombings to shellings, violations of International Humanitarian Law.

We condemn the United States government and Biden administration for its “ironclad” support and annual $3.8 billion gift to Israel. As we continue to fight for the Philippine Human Rights Act that aims to suspend security assistance until human rights violations cease and thorough investigation is conducted, it is necessary that we continue to expose the United States’ role in bankrolling human rights violations at the hands of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Israeli Defense Forces. We unequivocally echo the call: Stop arming Israel!

We condemn the Philippine presidential palace for its thoroughly dishonest and hypocritical expressions of solidarity following the strike in Gaza against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The Marcos-Duterte government “condemned” the attacks “especially on civilian populations,” even as the Philippines’ security forces unblinkingly bomb, hamlet, displace, imprison, torture, and kill civilians, especially peasants and Indigenous peoples residing on mining or plantation land, with Israeli weapons no less. Again, we urge Filipinos to be vigilant about the facts.

It is our duty as Filipinos who firmly stand against fascism alongside our Palestinian siblings in their fight for survival, self-determination, and liberation. We call on all Malaya Movement USA members to rise in solidarity and uphold our principles of upholding, defending, and asserting human rights, democracy, and sovereignty from Palestine to the Philippines.

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!
From Palestine to the Philippines, Stop the U.S. War Machine!

Take Action

Tell Congress - Stop funding Israel’s massacres of Palestinians:
Support and follow these Palestinian organizations for updates: @palestinianyouthmovement, @wolpalestine, @samidounnetwork, @uscpr, @uspcn


Defend Philippine Sovereignty against all foreign interests! No to unequal treaties!


Justice for Jude Fernandez! Defend Workers! Workers rights are human rights!