The fight for sovereignty and genuine independence continues!

Statement on the 126th Anniversary of “Independence” Day

June 12, 2024 is the 126th “Independence Day” of the Philippines. The Philippines was the first country in Asia to win an anti-colonial revolution, and we celebrate that victory because it is a testament to the Filipino people’s determination for freedom. That fight lives on as the state of the Philippines’ sovereignty is in shambles, especially under puppet and sell-out Marcos Jr.

Shortly after the victory of the Philippine Revolution against Spain in 1898, the US swooped in to claim colonial rule over the Philippines, alongside other island nations like Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico. Our history books in both the United States and the Philippines deliberately whitewash the bloody Philippine-American War, when Filipinos resisted their new colonial master and U.S. military violence killed up to 1 million people.

Despite the United States granting the Philippines independence in 1946, the Philippines is subject to decades-long unequal economic and military arrangements, like the Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951, the Visiting Forces Agreement of 1999, and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement of 2014. These are enabled by corrupt politicians and their cronies that willingly facilitate the sale of the Philippines for their own gain with Marcos Jr. being a shining example. Even though US bases were kicked out of the country in 1992, these unequal treaties have allowed for uninterrupted and unrestricted US military presence.

After several decades of the US imposing its military all over the Asia-Pacific and surrounding China to contain it, the Chinese state is emerging more aggressively, placing the Philippines squarely between two superpowers that care little for Philippine sovereignty or Filipinos’ mortal safety and all about their own cut of the global market. It is a repeat of history, with Filipinos falsely given the choice between two foreign masters by their own elected leaders, who receive favors from the invading superpower of the day.

We reject the false idea that the Philippines has to surrender its own independence to a superpower to push back another. We reject the shortsightedness and defeatism of serving the United States’ decades-long invasion that is being threatened by China. It is right to challenge China’s aggression, as brave Filipino fishermen have with the little they’ve got despite bans from each of the governments of China, the US, and the Philippines. We must continue to assert the Philippines’ territorial claims throughout the contested waters but there is no denying that U.S. presence provokes rather than deters Chinese encroachment in the West Philippine Sea.

Marcos Jr., in his April visit to the US, orchestrated the introduction of the crassly named ‘PERA,’ Philippine Enhanced Resilience Act, which would divert $2.5 billion US taxpayer money to fund the Armed Forces of the Filipinos over the next 5 years, with Biden requesting an additional $100 million in Foreign Military Funding for next year’s US State Department budget allocated for the Philippines.With poverty and unemployment rates climbing, lack of jobs and overall precarious job security, both in the Philippines and in the US, the war mongering Biden and Marcos Jr. administrations have diverted the people’s money to military funding and aid resulting in the sheer neglect of the well-being of millions of people.

The Filipino people have long desired genuine freedom and sovereignty. As Malaya Movement USA, we call on all our patriotic kababayan to join the movement for real independence in our homeland. Denounce all unequal agreements between the Philippines and all foreign interests. Reject the PERA bill and pass the PHRA! US & China Out of the Philippines! The Philippines is not for Sale! Defend Philippine Sovereignty!


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