Starting May 9 until elections results are in
Vigils for hope & democracy
Join us in Vigils for Democracy across the country on May 9 in anticipation of one of the most important elections of our lifetime. These results will chart the course for the future of our country: from pandemic response, to economic livelihood, to human rights. Let us be ready to respond and mobilize whatever the outcome, especially if Marcos and Duterte steal the election.
May 11: Reject Marcos-Duterte
Houston, TX
6:30PM - 8:00PM
Philippine Consulate General
9990 Richmond Ave Suite 100N -
May 11: Reject Marcos-Duterte
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
7:00PM - 8:30PM
Main Street Garden Park
1902 Main St -
May 11: Reject Marcos-Duterte
Austin-San Antonio, TX
7:30PM - 9:00PM
In front of the Capitol -
May 11: Defend Democracy! Resist tyranny!
Boston, MA
6:00PM - 7:30PM
Boston Commons, Liberty Mall
Contact info -
May 11: Northeast Vigil for Democracy
New York City, NY
Philippine Consulate General NY
556 5th Ave, New York, NY 10036
Event info -
May 11: Vigil for Democracy
San Francisco, CA
Philippine Consulate General in San Francisco
477 Sutter St.
Organized by: Malaya Movement SF -
Ongoing: National Virtual Watch Party
Tune into the National Virtual Watch Party starting, May 9, until the 2022 Election results are in! We will be broadcasting live elections results and tuning into the different Vigils for Democracy across the US.
11am - 5pm HT / 2pm - 8pm PT
4pm - 10pm CT / 5pm - 11pm ETZoom: tinyurl.com/NationalWatchParty
Facebook: facebook.com/malayamovement/live -
Ongoing: Vigil for Democracy
Tukwila, WA
12PM-2PM & 4PM-6PM, until results come out
Seafood City
1368 Southcenter Mall #100
Tukwila, WA 98188
Organized by: Gabriela Seattle, Migrante Seattle -
May 14: Concert for Hope & Democracy
Portland, OR
2PM - 6PM
Organized by: Malaya Portland, NAFCON Oregon, Filipino Bayanihan Center, BAYAN Portland, and other organizations
May 10: Vigil for Democracy
Seattle, WA
1220PM - 130PM
Chapel of St. Ignatius at Seattle University
Organized by: Anakbayan Seattle -
May 10: Vigil for Democracy
Seattle, WA
4pm - 5pm
South side of Rainier Vista (near lightrail) at University of Washington
Organized by: Anakbayan UW -
May 10: Speak out - Tuloy ang Laban
Los Angeles, CA
Philippine Consulate of LA
3435 Wilshire Blvd
Organized by: Malaya Socal, Kakampinks, Bayan Socal, 1sambayanUSA Socal
Event info -
May 10: Youth Fight for Democracy in the Philippines - A Vigil for Democracy
San Francisco, CA
PH Consulate in San Francisco
477 Sutter St.
Organized by: LFS-SFSU, Anakbayan Daly City, BAYAN NorCal -
May 10: WA Rally to Reject Marcos-Duterte
Seattle, WA
Gathering at Jose Rizal Park, banner drop off Jose Rizal Bridge, march to Hing Hay Park
Organized by: BAYAN Seattle, Solid Leni-Kiko Global, 1Sambayan WA, Malaya Seattle, ICHRP Seattle
Event Info -
May 9: Prayer Vigil - Pray for the Philippines, for Honest and Clean Elections
Seattle, WA
7301 Beacon Ave S
Seattle, WA 98108
Organized by: ICHRP SEA, BUMC, Malaya Seattle -
May 9: Vigil for A Clean and Honest Election
San Francisco, CA
PH Consulate in San Francisco
477 Sutter St
Organized by: 1Sambayan, Malaya Movement, BAYAN-USA, ICHRP
Event info -
May 9: Liwanag sa Dilim - Vigil for Hope & Democracy
Portland, OR
6pm: Filipino Bayanihan Center
1537 SE Morrison St
8pm: Eastbank Esplanade
SE Salmon St
Organized by: Oregon Filipinos for Leni/Kiko, Malaya Portland, 1Sambayan Oregon, BAYAN Portland
Event info -
May 9: Vigil for Democracy in LA
Los Angeles, CA
Philippine Consulate
3435 Wilshire Blvd
Event info -
May 9: Vigil for Democracy
Chicago, IL
Philippine Consulate in Chicago
122 South Michigan Avenue
Organized by: Malaya Chicago, Anakbayan, 1Sambayan -
May 9: Elections Talakayan with Our Kababayan
Everett, WA
Gracie's Cuisine
Organized by: 1Sambayan Washington, NAFCON Washington, Bicol Association of Washington -
May 8: Vigil for Democracy
Washington DC
Philippine Embassy
1600 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036
Organized by: 1Sambayan, Malaya-Baltimore, Migrante DC, MDCHRP, Gabriela DC, Anakbayan DC, USPFGG, UMBC AIA, NAFCON DMV