S21: JOIN Malaya Actions Near you Against Dictatorship!

Join us as we remember the 46th anniversary of Marcos' declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines. On September 21st, we remember those who suffered human rights violations, government corruption, torture, and killings under Marcos' dictatorship. We take this history with us to expose Duterte's actions that have killed and harmed the lives of thousands of Filipinos, and for repeating this violent history after declaring martial law over the whole island of Mindanao in 2017. We condemn the Imperialist role of the US for using taxpayer dollars to support the Philippine government in their senseless killing of the poor, and of those defending human rights.We call on everyone to stand with us against these crimes on September 21st to say #ENDMartialLaw and #NoToDictatorship to #StopTheKillings in the Philippines!-No to TRAIN Law-No To Dictatorship and Tyranny-End US Military Aid-End Contractualization-Defend Press Freedom! Stop Silencing Journalists
JOIN Actions near you:
NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY: 9/21 @6:30P Philippine Consulate 556 5th Ave
WASHINGTON, D.C.: 9/21 @ 6:30P  Philippine Embassy 1600 Massachusetts Ave. NWCHICAGO: 9/21 @6:00P Philippine Consulate 122 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 1600SAN FRANCISCO: 9/21 @6:00P Philippine Consulate 447 Sutter St.LOS ANGELES: 9/21 @6:00P Philippine Consulate 3435 Wilshire Blvd
SEATTLE: 9/23 5:00P Location: TBD visit more details soon
MALAYA S21 (1)

No to Duterte’s Dictatorship! No U.S. Tax Dollars for Duterte’s murderous regime!


Call to Action! Sept. 21st - 46th Anniversary of Martial Law in Philippines! Stand Against Duterte's Fascism!