No to Duterte’s Dictatorship! No U.S. Tax Dollars for Duterte’s murderous regime!

Malaya Movement Statement on the 46th Anniversary of the Declaration of Martial LawSeptember 21, 2018Today, on the 46th Anniversary of the Declaration of Martial Law by the Marcos Dictatorship, Malaya: US movement Against Killings and Dictatorship, and for Democracy in the Philippines remembers the atrocities committed by the US-backed Marcos dictatorship. We honor the martyrs who fought for the genuine democracy for the Philippines by continuing to fight the new dictatorship that is upon us. We are once again called on to take a stand for democracy, justice and human rights against the fascist tyranny of Rodrigo Duterte. Former dictator Ferdinand Marcos placed the Philippines under martial rule on September 21, 1972 under the justification of saving the Philippines’ democracy. Instead of “saving democracy” he ruled the Philippines under an iron fist for 14 years and plundered the country’s wealth, leaving the Philippines in an economic crisis. This is eerily similar to what is going on now under Duterte. Instead of solving the worsening economic situation, rising unemployment, and skyrocketing prices of basic commodities such as rice, Duterte is fear-mongering about a supposed destabilization plot against him. It is Duterte himself who is destabilizing the government. His fascist tactics aimed at silencing his opposition and the general populous are instead inciting more and more people to rightfully defend themselves and fight back, whether through the parliament of the streets or the armed resistance in the countryside. An increasing number of people are demanding that Duterte steps down for his failure to govern. This past September 18 and 19, the International People’s Tribunal on the Philippines convened in Brussels and concluded that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, backed by the U.S. President Donald Trump, is responsible for human rights violations against the people of the Philippines. Experts and survivors of human rights violations presented testimony on poverty, homelessness, the “drug war,” political persecution, extrajudicial killings, the oppression of women and a range of other issues. The Tribunal’s ruling further bolsters the call for the International Criminal Court to take action in its investigation of Duterte’s crimes. Malaya Movement joins the Filipino people in the Philippines and across the world in their struggle for justice, freedom and genuine democracy. We also call on the American people to take a stand by calling on our representatives in the United States to end support for Duterte’s murderous regime. We demand for an end to the more than $180 million U.S. tax dollars to the Philippine military and law enforcement, which is being used to further commit human rights violations against the Filipino people. No to Duterte’s Dictatorship! No U.S. Tax Dollars for Duterte’s Murderous Regime!Makibaka! Huwag Matakot!What is Malaya Movement? Malaya - the Tagalog word for "free" - is a US-based movement of individuals and organizations that seeks to broaden support for the cause of freedom and democracy and resist dictatorship in the Philippines.How can you get involved?

  • Join - Join Malaya Movement - There is power in numbers. We need everyone to get involved to put a stop to Duterte’s tyranny.
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War Criminals Not Welcome Here! Block the Philippine National Police from Setting Up Outposts in the US!


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