ATB, Events, Statement ATB, Events, Statement

July 8th: Global Day of Action Against Duterte’s Anti-Terror Law!

As many of you already know, President Duterte signed the Anti-Terror Law this past July 3rd, ushering in a new dark era for democracy and civil liberties in the Philippines. Despite the widespread criticism and concern from legal experts and renown human rights organizations, Duterte has chosen, yet again, the way of brutality and authoritarian rule by enacting a law that threatens to institutionalize his Martial Law-style dictatorship and place a chilling effect on the practice of democratic rights and constitutional freedoms.

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ATB, Statement ATB, Statement

Power to the People! Oppose Duterte’s Terror!

Malaya Movement condemns in the strongest possible terms the passage of Duterte’s reprehensible Anti-Terror Law he signed on July 3rd in the Philippines. Republic Act 11479 or “The Anti-Terror Act of 2020” plunges the nation into further danger, posing a serious threat to human rights defenders who have long been critical of the government’s bloody drug war, attacks on press freedom, and crackdown on opposition and dissent. While the COVID-19 pandemic remains unresolved and record-breaking unemployment challenges working class families to put food on the table, Duterte’s weak stomach for criticism and bloodthirst for unquestioned power has put the health and wellness of Filipinos last on his list of priorities.

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FAQs on Duterte's Anti-Terror Law

Recently, the Philippine Congress passed their respective senate and house bills of the “Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020” or what is commonly referred to as the Anti-Terror Bill (ATB), which, if enacted into law, will replace existing anti-terrorism legislation (RA 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007). With the HSA 2007 and the Revised Penal Code, there is sufficient law to effectively prosecute acts of terror.

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