Malaya Movement USA condemns President Biden’s attacks on Yemen. Ceasefire now!

As an organization founded to fight against state violence and fascism by the Philippine government, it is incumbent on us to speak out in solidarity with Yemen against the United States’ acts of war perpetrated in the past several days.

President Biden follows in the bloody footsteps of his predecessors– George W. Bush, Obama, and Trump– who have all bombed Yemen. This time, Biden bypassed Congress to attack Yemen, claiming that he did so to deter Houthi forces from threatening global trade in the Red Sea. Yemen’s Houthi forces have made it clear that they are deliberately hindering trade in the Red Sea to put pressure on the United States and other Western powers that are enabling and funding the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians.

We condemn Biden’s re-designation of the Houthis as terrorists by adding them to the “Specially Designated Global Terrorist List”, despite taking them off the list in 2021. This will have grave impacts on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, a country mired in poverty as a result of longstanding US backed proxy wars and intervention in the Middle East. Simply, resorting to acts of war and terrorist tagging is the lazy, short-sighted option that is in clear contempt of human life, whereas the sound and humane solution is to stop politically and militarily supporting Israel’s genocide of Gaza.

We can’t help but point out that the United States government’s attack on Yemen and continued support for Israel, its main geopolitical ally in the Middle East, illustrates its true priorities, which is “free trade” and profit over millions of lives. It is a grim reminder for us, since our members are currently pushing for the Philippine Human Rights Act and fighting back against the U.S.’s dumping of nuclear material in the Philippines through the 123 Nuclear Agreement. Both are calls for the United States government to cease aiding and abetting in the loss of Filipino lives, taken by either government terror or negligence.

We must repeat, we are in solidarity with Palestinians and support their right to resist genocide. We condemn President Biden’s attacks on Yemen. End the bombings on Yemen! Hands of Yemen! Take the Houthis in Yemen off the Specially Designated Global Terrorist List! Ceasefire now!

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Expose Israel's genocidal rampage! express genuine solidarity and resist fascism, from Palestine to the Philippines!