Expose Israel's genocidal rampage! express genuine solidarity and resist fascism, from Palestine to the Philippines!

It has been more than 100 days since Israel unleashed its genocidal campaign on the Palestinian people in Gaza. More than 100 days of destruction and 75 years of occupation by Israel. Israel has so far dropped at least two hundred 2,000-pound bombs and over 600 bombs weekly indiscriminately, all the while feigning victimhood. 23,000+ have been martyred, more than 70% being women and children.

Since October, Malaya Movement USA members, Filipinos in the diaspora and in the homeland have taken to the streets in solidarity with our Palestinian siblings, while learning and sharing the history and struggle for a free Palestine in our chapters and among our communities. We have participated in days of action, in disruptions, and have grown in our understanding of the necessity of genuine solidarity in the face of devastating fascism.

We can’t help but see parallels between the struggle of Palestinians and the Filipino people in the countryside, who under the current Marcos administration have suffered more than 22,000 bombings, 39,000 indiscriminate firings, and 24,000 forced evacuations. These crimes perpetrated by the Armed Forces of the Philippines are also sanctioned and funded by the United States government. And like the Biden administration, the Marcos administration supports the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people by purchasing weapons of mass murder from the Israeli government.

We urge our community to follow South Africa’s case against Israel in the International Court of Justice, which US and other major Western media outlets have deliberately done little to no coverage of. South African lawyer Adila Hassim aptly described Gaza as a place where “nowhere is safe,” and has since become a “graveyard for children” according to the United Nations secretary general. That there are thousands of "WCNSF" (wounded children, no surviving family) is maddening and a deep stain on human history. This must be an appeal to us all to support the demands of the Palestinian people beyond the need for immediate ceasefire. End the siege on Gaza, release all political prisoners, and end the occupation!

It is necessary that we stand with the Palestinian people as they face a genocidal rampage of Israel, funded by the United States, and with the complicity of the Marcos Jr. regime. It is our responsibility to stand with those fighting for human rights and democracy in their homeland. It is our duty to be in solidarity with all those who resist fascism.

Attend the Ecumenical Reflection on Palestine hosted by Filipino organizations and faith leaders this Thursday, January 18 4pm HT / 6pm PT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET: tinyurl.com/Jan18EcumenicalReflection



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