Uphold human rights! Statement on 75th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights

Malaya Movement USA joins the international community, including the millions of Filipinos in the diaspora, in commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 2023. Since the declaration, the global human rights situation has only continued to deteriorate. This internationally recognized declaration provides a distinct opportunity for us to reflect on the human rights situation in the Philippines and all over the world and encourage our members and allies to action in defense of the very same.

Bagong Pilipinas or New Philippines under Marcos Jr. is a farce

While Marcos Jr. has jet-setted around the world, traveling a record 16 times since he took office last year, he’s peddled rhetoric and enabled a well-oiled propaganda machine that seeks to paint the Philippine situation under his presidency in a better light. In reality, it has only gotten worse. Marcos Jr. is continuing the legacy of violence, impunity, and injustice of his dictator father, Marcos Sr, and predecessor tyrant Rodrigo Duterte. The only thing new in Marcos Jr’s New Philippines is an era of militarization and fascism to the Philippines that is palatable on the surface but is truly sinister at its core.

Economic repression

Under Marcos Jr. 's promised economic prosperity for the majority of the Filipino people, nearly 78% of families rated themselves as poor or borderline poor according to IBON. The price of rice is hovering at P50 per kilo, a far cry from Marcos Jr.’s promised Php20 per kilo during his campaign run. Nominal increases in minimum wages across the country still falls short of the daily family living wage of Php1,189, averaging at Php428 or just under $8 a day.

While statistics show that unemployment and underemployment rate are decreasing, many of the jobs created were part time, irregular, and precarious. These jobs, touted as a sign of progress, focused not on developing self-sustaining industries within the Philippines but heavily rely on tourism and call centers that shore up foreign corporations. The number of Overseas Filipino Workers was projected to hit a record-high of 2 million by the end of this year - meaning, as more jobs become untenable and unattainable at home, Filipinos are continuing to seek jobs abroad where working conditions are often dangerous and unpredictable, too. The Marcos Sr. instituted labor export policy has continued in full force.

The National Food Authority, on the other hand, has signaled a need to import more rice from other countries because of rising farm gate prices of local farmers. Rather than supporting local peasants, the government has chosen yet again to find external sources. This has resulted in the Philippines becoming the world’s biggest rice importer in the world, a shameful reality for a rice-producing country.

While Marcos Jr. has boasted that his trips have resulted in billions in pledges from foreign investors, including his most recent trip to the United States for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), it is clear that the economic boost is reserved for Marcos and his select cronies, and the foreign investors who will stand to benefit from more exploitation of working poor Filipinos.

Civil and Political repression

While the deadly war on drugs no longer catches headlines, under Marcos Jr 474 have been killed, at least 128 of whom were at the hands of state agents according to Dahas. Other extrajudicial killings have resulted in the death of at least 87 according to human rights organization, Karapatan. Of those, at least 24 were peasants, including the Fausto family and their two young children who were brutally murdered in their home. Labor leaders Alex Dolorosa and Jude Fernandez were also killed in cold blood and led to widespread condemnation in the Philippines and internationally.

While Marcos Jr. publicly expresses a desire for protecting press freedom, 3 journalists have been killed this year alone, exposing the culture of impunity and long-standing disregard for the safety of those who dare challenge the state narrative. Activists continue to be targets of the state, with the worrying number of enforced disappearances and forced surrenderees nearing 600 and 84 more becoming political prisoners. Youth organizers in Cebu were forcefully and violently dispersed by state forces for protesting the demolition of an urban poor community. Just this week, a youth organizer from Anakbayan Europe was detained, blacklisted, and deported for “anti-government” activities - this is the Anti-Terror Law in action and sets a dangerous precedent for all those fighting for human rights and genuine democracy overseas.

Under Marcos Jr., counterinsurgency remains a priority, with the dangerous National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) receiving a 31% increase in the 2024 National Expenditure Program. Red-tagging continues to be a mainstay under this regime, especially seen in the targeting of progressive legislators, like Rep. Manuel and Rep. Brosas who have been on the receiving end of Sen. Bato Dela Rosa’s, former Philippine National Police (PNP) chief and implementer of Duterte’s War on Drugs, shameful tirades and witch hunt. Marcos Jr. ‘s Confidential and Intelligence Fund, unlike VP Duterte whose office was stripped of the CIF, remains untouched and sits at a staggering Php4.6 billion, providing the regime with an untraceable pool of funds for pilfering and counterinsurgency.

People’s response

As fascism digs its heels into the ground, the Filipino people continue to rise up and fight. The transport strikes held by hundreds of thousands of jeepney drivers and supporters, led by PISTON and MANIBELA, were held throughout the year to fight the unfair Public Utility Vehicle Modernization Program implementation that would further disenfranchise jeepney drivers. In the United States, Filipino workers also rose up - like the Justice for Jollibee Workers who fought their unjust termination and resulted in major victories including reinstatement and full back pay for the 9 workers.

We witnessed the unwavering bravery of two young activists, Jonila Castro and Jhed Tamano, who stood up against state repression. Castro and Tamano were kidnapped by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and coerced into participating in a press conference where they were meant to read a scripted statement falsely portraying them as "communist rebels" who had surrendered. Instead, Castro and Tamano fearlessly revealed the truth that they were actually abducted, interrogated, and compelled to lie about their horrific ordeal under the AFP.

Marcos Jr. also saw no peace during his travels, particularly during his two trips to the United States this year where he was met with hoards of counter protesters at nearly every engagement. Protesters, including members of Malaya Movement USA, hounded the jet-setting president for his lavish accommodations, anti-people dealings with foreign corporations, and for the ongoing human rights abuses happening under his reign.

Malaya Movement USA, on this International Human Rights Day, calls on our members and allies to mobilize with us and attend an IHRD action near you!

Join an organization that is committed to upholding human rights, in the Philippines and all over the world. bit.ly/JoinMalaya

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