Justice for Jude Fernandez! Defend Workers! Workers rights are human rights!

Malaya Movement USA extends our deepest condolences to the loved ones of Jude Fernandez. Fernandez was a decades-long advocate for workers rights, organized as a union leader during Marcos Sr.’s Martial Law. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this government sanctioned attack and call for an independent investigation regarding the incident.

The attacks on the working class are necessary for a fascist state to maintain its grip on power, and Fernandez’s killing is just one of many. The official state story paints Fernandez, 67, as “resisting arrest” or “nanlaban” after being served a warrant in his own home. This narrative has been leveled against many victims of fascist terror under Duterte and now under Marcos Jr. Since the International Labor Organization’s High-Level Tripartite Mission in January 2023 uncovered a slew of attacks on labor organizers, at least four labor leaders have been killed.

The Malaya Movement USA stands firmly in our defense of human rights. Workers rights are human rights! Defend workers! Justice for Jude Fernandez and for all those slain by the state.

Donate to support Jude Fernandez’ funeral costs: tinyurl.com/bayandonate23 choose “Trade Union Support” from the drop down


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