Malaya Movement Statement on May Day


On this International Workers’ Day also known as May Day, the Malaya Movement gives tribute to all Filipino workers who have struggled and continue to struggle against the fascist regime of Rodrigo Duterte.

The Duterte regime continues to betray Filipino workers and further their misery. In the past year alone, Filipino millions of workers lost their jobs, have gone hungry and have suffered under Duterte’s militaristic and disorganized handling of the pandemic. Workers rights were violated under the guise of COVID response. Workers and their unions across the country were targeted by Duterte’s National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC). 

We remember 35-year old trade union leader Dandy Miguel of Kilusang Mayo Uno as well as Manny Asuncion of Workers Assistance Center. They join the list of over 50 trade unionists assassinated and murdered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP). These are just a few in the growing list of Duterte’s crimes against Filipino workers. 

The past year has clearly shown that Duterte is the enemy of Filipino workers. We from the Malaya Movement call on and urge Filipino workers in the Philippines and around the world to end the Duterte regime once and for all.


Malaya Movement statement on AFP Murders of Lumad-MANOBO Farmers


Continue the Struggle Beyond 100 Days! Unite Filipinos in the U.S. for Real Change!