Malaya Movement statement on AFP Murders of Lumad-MANOBO Farmers


The Malaya Movement condemns this merciless and vile murders by the Armed Forces of the Philippines against the Lumad-Manobo community. The fascist Duterte regime has exacerbated and encouraged these atrocities throughout his term and it is an affront to the rights and dignity of the people. The Duterte regime must be held accountable for these atrocious crimes against humanity.

This is further proof of the urgency to pass the Philippine Human Rights Act. We urge our members and supporters to call your legislators and let them know about this barbaric act of the Philippine military.

Lastly, we stand with the families of Willy Rodriguez, Lenie Rivas, and Angel Rivas as they call for justice! We stand with the Lumad community!

Justice for Willy Rodriguez, Lenie Rivas and Angel Rivas!
End U.S. support for the Duterte regime!
Pass the PHRA now!
End the Duterte regime!


Wakasan na! End Duterte’s Reign of Terror!


Malaya Movement Statement on May Day