Marcos JR’s sham “Bagong Pilipinas”

On the State of the Nation Under Marcos Jr.

Ahead of President Marcos’ State of the Nation Address, members of the Malaya Movement USA want to put attention on the concerns of the millions of Filipinos in the United States about the daily realities of our kababayan under his and Vice President Sara Duterte’s administration, as the past two years have taught us that the suffering of the majority is not given justice in his address.

Will the President acknowledge or gloss over the fact that, for the vast majority, the economy is not only bad but remains in decline? Whatever “progress” the President will claim the economy is seeing in the short term is only enjoyed by a few. In fact, Filipino families are reeling from the unaffordability of surviving in the Philippines, even after inflation declined. Will the President address the fact that the percentage of families experiencing involuntary hunger jumped to 14.2%, or that now 21.3 million families report themselves as poor or borderline poor?

Will the President address the mortal danger he is pushing the Filipino people toward because of his policy to comply with the United States’ desire for war over diplomacy with China? It would be wholly dishonest to frame being in the crosshairs of a war between two superpowers as a good thing. While this administration claims that going along with the US in escalating conflict with China into open war is the right choice, the President has not honestly spoken about the cost. Nine EDCA bases throughout the archipelago, strategically placed near US assets? Marcos is rapidly surrendering our territorial integrity to the United States, while seducing China into firing at us by choosing to put military in the West Philippine Sea instead of trying diplomatic means. 

It is utterly deceitful if he praises our “partnership” with the U.S. instead of condemning the horrific fact that, during the early years of the pandemic, the United States government utilized its defense apparatus to mislead the Filipino people en masse into refusing China's readily available COVID vaccine. Our people died by the tens of thousands, because our “friend” the United States wanted our allegiance against Chinese encroachers. 

Will the President address the damning record of human rights under his administration? The Philippines is still named one of the worst when it comes to human rights and democracy. Internationally recognized as one of the worst countries for workers, climate activists, human rights workers. Will he address the fact that 700 people have been extrajudicially killed in the ongoing war on drugs? Will he acknowledge the war crimes his administration is found guilty of by the International People’s Tribunal in Brussels?

In lieu of the official SONA that is either divorced from or blurs the reality of our kababayan, Malaya Movement chapters across the US welcome people of Filipino heritage and allies concerned for our people’s well being to join the People’s State of the Nation Address events that will be held coast to coast. As the false UniTeam continues to crumble between the Marcoses and Dutertes, let us express genuine unity of the people against fascism and dictatorship. Help us amplify—US out, China hands off, fight against neglect, plunder, and terror of the Marcos-Duterte government!


Dismiss trumped up charges against Talaingod 18!


Defend Philippine sovereignty! Cancel RIMPAC!