Marcos Magnanakaw!

Malaya Movement USA statement on Marcos Jr’s Revenge Travel

Malaya Movement USA denounces Marcos Jr.’s “revenge travel” overspending of nearly $1.5 million dollars in the past year. Poverty and unemployment/underemployment rates are worsening, yet the sitting President spends our people’s tax money as if it’s pocket change for his family’s personal use. It is insulting and disrespectful to the impoverished Filipino people who bear the brunt of this lavish spending.

We applaud the staunch people’s advocates in the House of Representatives, like the Makabayan Bloc legislators, who have prodded and exposed the corruption and mismanagement throughout the budget deliberation process. While Marcos Jr. and his cronies continue to defend these trips as an opportunity for the Philippines to receive foreign investments, the Department of Trade and Industry has confirmed that only 9 out of the 130 projects promised by these visits have amounted to any sort of funding.

From the travel funds to the Confidential and Intelligence Fund (CIF), even the debt-laden transportation and infrastructure budget, it is clear that those in power are prioritizing corruption and counterinsurgency. Marcos Jr.’s false promises of investments and development are nothing but an excuse to steal more money from the Filipino people, just like his father.

Reallocate Marcos Jr’s excessive travel budget. Stop funding corruption and surveillance and redirect funding to services, aid, and welfare!

Fight for a people’s budget!

Abolish the confidential and intelligence funds!


Justice for Percy Lapid! Defend Press Freedom!


Wag Kalimutan ang Diktadurang Marcos! 
Never Again! Never Forget!