Workers Rights are Human Rights: Justice for United 6!

We stand in solidarity with the 24 Filipino fisherfolk who were abandoned by their employers at a port in Washington state for months. It is shameful that US based company McAdams and PH based recruitment agency, Pescadores, endangered the lives of our kababayan, leaving them with little access to communication, food and water, and no clear path to return home. As an organization committed to defend human rights, it is imperative we amplify issues faced by Filipino workers who are especially vulnerable to maltreatment and unsafe working conditions.

As Marcos Sr. began the systematic sell off of Filipinos under his Labor Export Policy (LEP), millions of Filipinos have been divorced from the homeland and thousands more continue to leave every day under Marcos Jr. This destructive policy is enabled by shady recruitment agencies like Pescadores, authorized by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, that are so common in the Philippines. From the abandoned J1 visa youth workers who received very little support from the Consulates and Embassy when the pandemic struck to the countless cases of trafficked Filipino teachers and now the United 6, these cases show that the Philippine government cares more about exporting people for their labor and remittances than actually caring about the safety and wellbeing while being abroad.

We applaud the United 6 for taking a stand and we call on all Malaya Movement USA members and supporters to join us. Boost the United 6 demands and take action! Defend workers rights! Justice for the United 6!

Attend Community Forum with the United 6 on 1/28:

Sign the petition:

United6 Demands:

For McAdams and Pescadores to compensate for all of the work or labor performed by the fishermen. 

  1. To investigate McAdams and Pescadores. End the outright deceitful hiring and illegal work practices of McAdams and Pescadores.​​​​​​

  2. Provide them with proper documentation to work and provide for their families or support with repatriation to the Philippines

  3. Protect other workers in the industry so that this does not continue to happen to other workers in the future.

  4. The US Government must investigate the hiring and work practices of McAdams Fish. Hold them accountable to pay out all backpay to the fishermen and drop all "debt" accrued while they were abandoned at the Westport Marina.

  5. The Philippine Government must take the necessary steps to serve the abandoned Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs):

    • The Philippine Consulate General of San Francisco must release their Assistance for Nationals funds to immediately support the needs of the fishermen, including supplying resources for safe housing, food, and clothing, etc. while the investigation is underway. We also ask protection for the fishermen and their families from any retaliation.

    • The Philippines’ Department of Migrant Workers should support their repatriation as necessary, investigate and hold Pescadores recruiting company accountable, protect the fishermen from being "blacklisted" in the industry, pay them their due back wages owed, and pay them for damages caused to their health and overall situation.


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