Marcos vs Duterte: UniTeam No More Political theater in the middle of an economic crisis

The spectacle being orchestrated from Manila to Davao by the Marcoses and Dutertes is a clear sign of the disintegration of the false UniTeam promise they ran on in 2022. It is an affront to the Filipino people who are suffering a national economic crisis.

While Marcos Jr. wasted over Php 16 million of the Filipino people’s money in his grand Bagong Pilipinas kick-off in Manila, Duterte’s camp held an anti-Charter Change rally in Davao City. They make Philippine politics no better than a reality show or teleserye - a shameful but unsurprising display from the most powerful dynasties in the Philippines.

Marcos Jr. urges the masses to become a Bagong Pilipino or New Filipino, one he describes as having integrity, humility, and ultimate love for their country, yet he and his cronies are failing to meet their own standards. Marcos questions why Filipinos distrust the government when his own government is riddled with corruption and fraud and sets the record for peddler of disinformation. It is laughable that Marcos would criticize his people for “wanting to get ahead, but not wanting to fight fairly,” when his own regime and the entire Marcos family legacy is built on the theft of billions of dollars and authoritarian rule that set the Philippines back generations.

The Dutertes are desperately clinging onto power via Duterte-appointed military officials but their influence is slowly waning. They fear that they would finally be held to account for grave human rights violations and ultimately be iced out once trusted Duterte-aligned officials and appointees completely switch allegiance to the Marcoses.

This clown show is happening as the cost of living increases on a majority poor population. Malaya Movement USA remains steadfast in our commitment to achieve legitimate social change in Philippine society, one that is rid of political dynasties and corruption. We call on Filipinos in the diaspora to continue to build the anti-fascist and anti-dictatorship movement among our communities. Join the movement today and continue the fight for a genuinely democratic and truly sovereign Philippines.

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